Stuart Carroll, one of our technical leads, interviewed.
Progress at Holborn Riverside - River Tyne
Regeneration in action - projects to be proud of
Kate Kizalas talks about preparing a brownfield site in Hackney for future residential development
Sustainable Development at Ironbridge
Collaborative working to deliver a brownfield scheme
Rob Jones, our Remediation Engineer, talks about the Rugeley Power Station project
Alex Clifford talks about progress at Project SPARK
Environmental monitoring on our projects
Helping you create value from industrial legacy and brownfield sites
Buildwas Academy visit the Ironbridge Power Station regeneration project, May 2023
New Stanton Park - a 200 acre brownfield scheme being delivered for Verdant Regeneration
Meet Jules, part of our ops team
Amy Timms talks about her work at Ironbridge Power Station
John F Hunt Regeneration starts work at Ironbridge Power Station