Field Measurements - Monitoring Compliance

Water Pollution Management

Why Monitor in the Field?

  • Identifying changes or trends in water quality over a period of time.
  • Identifying specific water quality problems.
  • Collecting data to aid with the design of pollution prevention systems.
  • Determining whether water quality is in compliance with regulations and controls.
  • Allow immediate changes to treatment system settings.
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Continuous Monitoring

Flow Rate
Flow Rate 1
  • Sampling interval can vary to fit the sites needs.
  • Monitoring signal can be used to sound alarm conditions.
  • Enables understanding of the variability in the data.
  • Enables links between results and site processes to be better understood.

Spot Sampling

Spot Sampling
  • Spot samples may not show true variability in composition.
  • Not easy to link data to on-site processes.
  • Sampling in relation to work activities may be required.

What Can Be Monitored

Common Field Measurements

  • Flow Rate
  • pH
  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • pH
  • Temperature
  • Electrical Conductivity
  • Turbidity
  • Metals

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Water Pollution Management Field Measurements Monitoring Compliance 6 3
Simon Skentelbery

Simon Skentelbery

General Manager

John F Hunt Regeneration Ltd

London Road
RM20 4DB

M: 07967 306 517