Preparing a 9ha former dockyard site on the south bank of the River Tyne for mixed-used development; including marine civils, demolition, bulk earthworks and land remediation.
Our Case Studies
Sugar House Island, Stratford Case Study
Site preparation, remediation and infrastructure of 10 hectares of former industrial land, including former gas works, printing and dye works.
Shredded Wheat Factory Welwyn Garden City Case Study
The project consisted of 33 acres split over 2 sites. The North site contained the former 1920’s Shredded Wheat Factory of which the original factory and silos were heritage listed; and the South site of up to 4 storey high industrial units, previously remediated ground, an underground firing range and pipe ducts.
Royal Mail, Nine Elms Lane, SW8 Case Study
The site was owned by the Royal Mail Group and used as one of the main sorting and distribution offices serving the West London area.
Oxted Gas Holder, Oxted, London Case Study
John F Hunt Industrial undertook the role of Principal Contractor and Designer for the project at SGN Gaswoks, which involved the dismantling and demolition of the superstructure down to the top of base/ground slab plus associated buildings.
Futura Park Development, Ipswich Case Study
Historically, much of the 44 acre site was occupied by a foundry/iron works, evolving into an engineering works with chimneys, storage tanks, travelling cranes and railway sidings. Waste disposal had occurred on site including landfill, lagoon storage and baling/compaction
Victoria Quarter, Barnet Case Study
£10.2m remediation and civil engineering of a former Gasworks including the construction of a basement, 530m of contiguous piling and preparation of site infrastructure, including foul, surface water and gas mains.
Wheal Jane Case Study
The Coal Authority on behalf of DEFRA and the Environment Agency awarded the operation and maintenance contract for the Wheal Jane mine water treatment scheme near Truro, Cornwall to John F Hunt Regeneration in 2021.
Silverton Mill, Devon Case Study
Award winning £3.2m regeneration project encompassing demolition, remediation and formation of a new river channel, flood defence works, ecological formation and biodiversity enhancements