Utilities & Infrastructure

Experience Utilities & Infrastructure

Our integrated multidisciplinary teams deliver enabling services on utilities, ports, rail and highway projects.

In the past 5 years we have successfully completed:


Power station demolition


Substation removal – demolition and remediation of contaminate soils (PCB, asbestos)


Ground remediation – major nuclear power project


Gas storage – de-watering, dismantling, ground remediation


Decontaminating and excavating ground for pipelines


Disassembling gas turbines prior to sale


Ports – infilling and surcharging of docks


Airports – demolition and remediation work air-side (PFAS, kerosine)


Rail – demolition of buildings and subsequent remediation – trackside (PAH, asbestos)


Sites prepared for major national-scale infrastructure projects

Sugar Hs Island Nov 2018 JFH

This expertise allows your team to focus on large-scale project delivery as opposed to contamination matters.

We draw from the experience of our senior staff who have held senior roles in construction and consultancy. This makes us intuitive to the needs of our clients on highly visible or nationally significant projects; we work alongside you and your delivery partners to ensure complex and challenging schemes are delivered.

Health & Safety is paramount to the delivery of infrastructure projects; our team of experienced H&S professionals ensure industry specific procedures are met and exceeded.

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